02 JAN 2019
Beware Of Fake MarinePure In South Africa
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Aquatics | Tropical Aquariums | Aquarium Filters | MarinePure | Marine Aquariums | Filter Media
Fake MarinePure has now hit the South African aquarium market. A local online website specializing in marine aquatics describes the counterfeit product, renamed bacteria balls, to offer the following benefits: Designed for Ammonia and Nitrite Removal Primarily designed to provide deep anaerobic zones for de-nitrification in passive systems. Live rock substitute-popular among reef hobbyists as a substitute for live rock because it reduces nitrates more efficiently without harming the environment. Use in sumps, stacked in extra-large filters. Perfect for in-sump use to cultivate Bacteria This product description was copied word for word from MarinePure website. The photo for the product is a photo of genuine MarinePure product.   Over the past few years this has been a huge problem for CerMedia LLC the manufacturer of MarinePure in USA, because these fake MarinePure lookalike media that originate from China have appeared in Australia, UK, USA and many othe.. [More] fakemarinepure.jpg
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